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Going Out with a Bang!

Hello my wonderful family and friends, So, this is my last email as a missionary. That's a strange thought. But it has been such an amazing week. I wanted to end my mission giving it everything I could, "Leave it all on the field", as they say. So Soeur Vincent and I set some pretty stretching goals. One of which was to contact/talk with 210 people this week. We have seen so many miracles! One of which took place as we were contacting at the port. We started going up the left side, but then changed our minds and took the right side down towards the boats. The first woman we stopped and said hello to is a woman named Ghysllaine. She is incredible. She grew up with a strong belief in God, but as she got older her faith slipped away. She explained how she wasn't doing too well health wise and she had been feeling very low. She wanted to find again the faith she had as a child. Talk about humble. We prayed with her and said we would call to fix another day to meet. Sunday we called, she said she was free and to meet her in an hour at the port. We brought a member who has a similar religious background. She explained her conversion story and the peace that came with the Book of Mormon. We then gave Ghysllaine a Book of Mormon and explained more of its background. We also talked a lot about faith and how we wanted to help her grow her faith as well. By the end of the lesson, she was glowing! She was so excited about everything we had explained. We invited her to say the closing prayer, which she offered so humbly. I know God is looking out for all of His children, and I am so grateful we got to be His hands in helping Ghysllaine feel of His love for her. We also went and visited our little less active Sara (she's about 12 years old). We shared a simple message and said our last goodbyes, I am going to miss her! Afterwards we had some time until our next lesson, so we decided to knock some doors in her apartment. The second door we knocked, a woman named Doriana answered. We explained who we were and how we were there to pray with families to bless them in their lives. She welcomed us in right away! She explained a bit about herself and her religious background. She is so open and has such a cool desire to learn more about Christ. We left her with a prayer and set up a another day to return. It is amazing to see how prepared people are to embrace the gospel into their lives. I love my job. Ok, so there were two examples of some of the miracles we saw this week. I could keep going, but I don't want to make this too long of an email. So a quick wrap up of the rest of our week: We were only able to contact 155 people this week, but we increased dramatically our success in finding and we were able to find multiple people who want to learn more about the church and doctrine of Christ. We saw so many miracles this week! And I know it's because we were really relying on the Lord through prayer in everything we did. Saturday we got to go to Lorient for the baptism of Guy (the elder's ami). It was a beautiful meeting and Guy was just glowing afterwards. We also decided to heart-attack the elders apartment for Valentine's Day. Speaking of which, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY 😍 I am so grateful for my mission. This has been the most amazing 18 months of my life. I want to thank all of you for your support, and especially with your help in finishing strong. I know that this gospel can change lives. I've seen it happen in the lives of others and especially in my own. I know that God lives, He loves us so incredibly much. I know that His Son Jesus Christ has given us a perfect example on how to find true happiness in our lives. His light shines in an ever darkening world. I love this gospel. I love this work. And I am so grateful for the time I have been given here in France. The best way I can describe it with my 20 year old mind is cool. This work is dang cool! And I love it. I love you all so much and I can't wait to see you in a few days! So this is me, signing off for the last time. I love you! Avec amour, Soeur Savanah Asay

Savanah, Sara and Souer Vincent saying goodbye

Giving the Elders a Valentine's Day heart attack

Last district photo

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