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Cherry on Top

Hello my wonderful family and friends :) So quick update on Soeur Erickson. It turns out she also sprained her ankle the day she fell, but the bruise didn't arrive until Tuesday. And then cut got infected (we're still not sure how, she's been cleaning it and everything). And to put the beautiful cherry on top, Wednesday she got a cold. So we had a couple of sick days this week, with naps and hot chocolate thrown in. But Soeur Erickson is a trooper, so it's been a good week :) On Tuesday we had exchanges with our STLs. It was a little weird not being the STL this exchange, but it was really fun. I got to be with Soeur Romero, my old companion. That was a blast! She really is such a good STL and I am so grateful I have been able to serve with and around her so much. We did a lot of contacting and we got to talk to a lot of really cool people. It was a good day :) This week we also got to visit our amie Ms. Gallois. She has been taking the lessons and coming to church for a few years now. She believes it but I don't think she fully grasps the importance, nor the why of the gospel. So during our lesson we read through the 10 commandments and discussed the importance of each one. After we did the same thing with the Word of Wisdom. Finally it clicked for her. God's commandments are not rules locking us in prison, they are the guardrails that keep us from driving off a cliff. We spoke very boldly, but with love and it really got through to her. It was a really cool lesson. Sunday was testimony meeting and Elder Hone (one of the missionaries in our branch) got up and--after sharing his testimony--invited the rest of the missionaries to do the same. So I got up and shared some of my thoughts, they were something along the lines of this: One of my favorite miracles in the Bible is when Peter walks on water. One part that always strikes me from this is Peter's faith. He walked on water!! All because he had the faith to do so, and he kept his eyes on the Savior. This Christmas season is an extra special time for us to truly turn our eyes towards the Savior. It is the time we celebrate His birth, what better time to focus on Him? And as we keep our eyes on Him, we, just as Peter did, can perform miracles big and small! As we keep our eyes on the Savior, we too can walk on water. Have a wonderful week! I love you all so much :)

Oh, and I almost forgot the best cherry on top of my week. Sunday a member walks in, stares at my name tag, looks back at me and says, "I know you're American, but every time I see you, I always think you're French." Yeah guys, I look French! Score :) I love you! Avec amour, Soeur Savanah Asay :)

Soeur Romero and I under the lights in town

"Smiling Savanahs", a package from friends.

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