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Je prie mon Sauveur parce que je sais qu'Il vit

Hello wonderful family and friends, This week has been another busy and sicky one, but it has been good! Tuesday Soeur Hill got sick again, this time with a cold. But it was a blessing in disguise. We were both exhausted, so we took some time and slept. It also gave us the time to prepare our formations for zone conference this week which was much needed. So do you remember Sarah from last week? We met her at the ward party. On Wednesday we got to go get ice cream with her and start explaining our church and what we believe. We also had A.J. (aka Elder Lloyd - a missionary I served with back in my last district who moved back to France for school) come and talk with us. It was really cool. Sarah is a dancer, she is super open minded and such a sweet girl! She also loves speaking English, so that's cool :) we had a really cool discussion about God, His love for us as His children, and the power of prayer. It was probably one of the coolest conversations I've had in a while, I love her! Thursday we got to have our zone conference (it was combined so it covered 4 zones, the 4 we cover as STLs), it was awesome! We gave a formation on how to be a successful missionary. We talked about three important points: our spiritual health, physical health, and ability to speak (French and with the Spirit). We did an object lesson by dressing up an elder with all the "gear" he would need and then had him play trash can basketball to show how using all three points help us achieve our goals. We also talked about the fact that we don't always see our results right away,but that doesn't make us less successful and we shared the end of the video "You never know". It was really fun.

We also got to have a Soeurs conference afterwards that we were in charge of. We decided to do a strength circle. We had all the soeurs go around and say a strength that they admired about all the other Soeurs. Then we held up a picture of Christ and had them do the same thing. The spirit was super strong as we all go to bear our testimonies about Christ. We also made little journals for all our Soeurs and encouraged them to write down their thoughts and testimonies of Jesus Christ. Overall, it was a good zone conference :) Right after conference I got a cold, wooh haha I'm just grateful that I didn't get sick until after conference was over. But we still had an exchange at the end of this week with the Evry soeurs, Soeur Clawson and Soeur Weckesser. They were also sick, so it was pretty funny, lots of sniffling in our apartment haha but it was really good. I love our Soeurs! Well, there was my week in a nutshell :) I hope you've all had a good week! And I hope you're all as excited about general conference as I am! Avec amour, Soeur Asay :)

Paper Hat exchange

Sister's zone conference

Ben and Jerry's with Soeur Hill and Sarah

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